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Unlock the full potential of your energy assets

Energy retailers and installers use the Electryone AI platform to intelligently manage and monetize energy assets in their fleet.

The operating system for the modern
energy company

control centre - VPP.png


Connect to batteries, solar PV, EVs, and heat pumps from multiple manufacturers via API. Monitor, forecast & simulate behaviour.


Automatically optimize energy use based on the user’s electricity tariff, preferences and predicted behaviour to maximize bill savings.


Orchestrate assets into your Virtual Power Plant (VPP) and automatically deliver grid flexibility. Generate new income from energy markets.


Seamlessly deliver smart energy services to your customers.

Dynamic electricity pricing

Help your customers on half-hourly electricity tariffs significantly lower their bill by automatically optimizing asset energy consumption and export in real-time with AI.

Dynamic electricity pricing

Time-of-Use tariffs

Design and deploy bundled hardware and tariff offers that co-optimize energy asset use for significant bill savings and lower energy procurement costs.

Time-of-Use tariffs

Demand Flexibility Service (DFS)

Monetize your customers' batteries by automating their participation in the UK's Demand Flexibility Service (DFS), maximizing their potential earnings. 

Discover how the UK's Demand Flexibility Service can maximize earnings for installers.

Demand Flexibility Service Integration
Demand Flexibility Service (DFS)

Your own Virtual Power Plant (VPP)

DER orchestration

Trade flexibility by orchestrating your fleet of energy assets into your VPP and participating into energy and flexibility markets, creating value for you and your customers. 

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